Sunday, December 8, 2013

Day 013

Well I feel not too much has happened since my last post. I have been getting some bloody noses. By bloody noses, it is normally very minimal blood that barely makes it out of my nose. I almost think it is drainage from blood that may have dried up in my nose but I am not sure. I am going to call one of the on call RNs today or tomorrow just to make sure it is nothing serious. I notice it normally happens if I walk a long way or if I am looking down for a while.

I am still pretty  swollen, it is kind of hard to see in pictures but essentially I have noticed that where I am numb is where I am still really swollen so I'm hoping once swelling is gone, much more feeling it back.

I have had some more feeling come back. I am mostly still numb in my goatee area and a little bit across my cheeks. I can control most of my lips now for drinking but I cannot feel anything with my lips, that does not really make much sense to me but that is how it is right now haha.

Below I am going to attach a somewhat humorous side-by-side of what I looked like my first day back at home and what I look like not....

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