Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Day 023

Its been about 10 days since I've last posted. I do not feel like I have had much improvement in that time span but I know I've had swelling go down and some feeling has started to come back. Yesterday I noticed feeling in my cheeks have started to come back. My goatee area is still numb but feeling in my lips have very somewhat come back. Just enough to drink a little easier but don't get me wrong, I still spill drinks daily.

I still for the most part am just drinking protein shakes and juices. That is partially due to the wafer I still have in my mouth. I feel like I could handle pudding but wit the wafer it would make it very hard to brush my teeth so I feel like it isn't worth it.

I saw my orthodontist yesterday, he was pleased with the results so far. My bands snapped about 4 or 5 days ago so he put some new bands in the help align my jaw better. I am looking forward to my appointment this Friday with my surgeon to see what he says and I am hopeful he will take out the wafer in my mouth but I feel like that is unlikely.

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